Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Finding Information on Infrastructure

Researching Ascher's "the works"

We'll be taking the next steps today in building our knowledge of infrastructure.

After you have devised your infrastructure questions, go online.

1. Write your question here.
2. Pick up someone else's question to answer.
3. Write the question and its answer in your response to the post.
4. Answer at least three questions for complete credit!
PS: It can't be a question on a system you studied--so if you read about subways you can't answer a question about them.

Learn something new!


Anonymous said...

why do the telephones need cooling tanks?

Anonymous said...
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daliliah said...

1. What is the green boxes that say u.s mail and what are they used for?
2. Why is the James Farley post office building so important?
3. Why is the zip code needed?

Anonymous said...

how long has the telephone infrastructure been working??

Unknown said...

who invented the train.

Unknown said...

where is the biggest market in the city located?

Unknown said...

How many markets located in brooklyn?

kashiera said...

1)What is the name of the device used to control the flow of waste water called?
2)What is a Septic Tank and why do some homes need to use one?

Maxiel Metivier said...

What bridge was designed first?
What was the longest bridge?
What is the youngest bridge?

Unknown said...

1.Did You Noe That If You Stretch Every Telephone Cable Line It Would Reach The Sun ?

2.Why Are The Old Bronx Train Dump In The Atlantic ?

Schwartzy said...

Your own first period questions edited and compiled:

1. Name the two cargo companies in the New York City area?
2. Which was the first train line ever built in New York City?
3. Why is the telephone network important to the City? What goes on through the telephones that people use everyday?
4. How much water do you think is consumed in a day?
5. What type of materials are used to build a bridge?
6. How many bridges that currently serve New York City? Which one is the busiest? Which one is the longest?
7. How many sewage plants are in New York State?
8. Which subway line has the longest route?
9. What is the name of the company the garbage goes to after leaving South Bronx?
10. When did recycling start, who came up with it and why?

Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...


How much water do you think is consumed in a day?
>1.1 billion gallons of water consumed per day.

How long has the telephone infrastructure been working??
>Since 1894....

What type of materials are used to build a bridge?
>Mostly made of concrete and steel.

Anonymous said...

who invented the train?

was invented in 1822 by an English inventor named George Stephenson.

Name the two cargo companies in the New York City area?

fed ex, UPS "PG# 85"

Unknown said...

why does the telephone need aq cooling tank?

- the telephone needs a cooling tank to make sure that the telephones keep functioning properly

Unknown said...

where is the biggest market located?

-the biggest market is located in hunts point.

Janera said...


When did recycling start, who came up with it and why?
1894 recycling started,Colonel George Waring.
What type of materials are used to build a bridge?
Concrete or steel
How much water do you think is consumed in a day?
1. 30million